Frequently Asked Questions

How far in advance should I book my event with you?

We recommend booking your event at least two weeks in advance to ensure availability and to allow enough time to plan and prepare.

Do you offer different menu options?

Yes, we offer a variety of menu options to suit different dietary needs and preferences, including vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and more.

Can you accommodate large groups?

Yes, we can accommodate groups of any size and have experience catering for events with hundreds of guests

What is your policy on alcohol service?

We offer a variety of alcohol packages and can also provide bartenders for your event. We also recommend checking with your venue to confirm their alcohol policy.

What is your policy on refunds and cancellations?

Our policy is that we do not give refunds for cancellations when the cancellation happens close to the date of the event. We do offer credit for a future event. Reade our terms & conditions to get a better understanding of our cancellation policy.

Still have questions?

If you could not find an answer on your specific question, see our full list of FAQs. Still need help? feel free to reach out to us.

Get in touch

Do you have a question? Feel free to ask our professionials.

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